You can lose weight naturally without going on a diet.

My strategies create changes that work — and last.


Diets only help people lose weight for the short-term. That’s because the real issue isn’t addressed.

I help my clients resolve the real issues — the reasons they overeat.

Yes, there is an all-organic way to feel better, breathe healthier, and exponentially improve your health... did we mention the lifetime guarantee?

After I work with my clients, they enjoy food and life more.

In fact, they savor each bite and finally feel the satisfaction of being in control about an aspect of their life that has been a struggle.

How about you? Would you like to uncover the real reason you overeat and overcome your struggle?

When people overeat, they do it unconsciously. Our subconscious mind doesn’t always work in a way that helps us.

It’s your subconscious thoughts that cause you to go to the refrigerator and eat even when you aren’t hungry. This misdirected eating pattern often takes many years to develop but —

Profound change can happen in moments.

After I work with my clients, they enjoy food and life more.

Hypnosis can be the most effective tool to make this change.

Through hypnosis, I’ll work with you to get the conscious and subconscious mind working together in harmony so that healthy behaviors replace the past harmful ones.

How does hypnosis work?

I want you to understand that you’re not unconscious when you experience hypnosis. It’s more like a deep state of relaxation similar to the feeling you have before you drift off to sleep.

This state makes you more receptive to change so we can more effectively address issues at the subconscious level such as habits, fears, food associations, negative self-talk, etc.

The change is not in the foods…

You’ll experience that the change is not in the foods or any of the triggers that led you to overeat.

The change occurs in you! This works because you begin to take back control of your mind.

Right now, it’s likely that your subconscious connects food as the solution to what relieves feelings such as stress, anxiety, sadness.

We’ll work so you consciously recognize that whatever that feeling is, it is not hunger. You’ll learn strategies that in real time show you how to make appropriate choices as to what, when and how much to eat. You can use these strategies anytime, anywhere — and without anybody being aware of it.

We’ll dehypnotize negative patterns that have been controlling you.

You won’t fight the subconscious mind anymore — you’ll become mindful of ways to get the mind and body in sync.

I’ll teach you how to listen to the natural signals of your body, so you feed it what it needs and stop falling into the past’s unconscious, habitual responses.

So, you easily and naturally move into that healthy body — and the shape and size you want.

How Do Hypnotic Sessions Work?

We will talk about the new reality you are ready to enjoy as a nonsmoker, free of the cigarettes for life. I will explain every step of this process to you before anything happens. I care about your well-being, and I want you to understand the science of how it works and why this this process is so effective. You feel completely comfortable, and excited to begin.

I will work with your neurological system for about 15 minutes. You don’t have a conscious problem. You didn’t consciously decide to get hooked on smoking. You have an unconscious problem holding onto the cigarettes deep within your mental, physical, and emotional system.

The fact that you’re reading this website means that, up until we meet, your system wants to keep you smoking. As an immediate result of the work we’ll do together, your own body will indicate that the problem has been cleared from your system. Many of my clients tell me they already knew they were a nonsmoker even before you sit in the chair for the hypnosis.

We will address and eradicate your old smoking habit from all angles. You will experience an evidence-based profound hypnotic experience specifically designed for you to help you throw out the cigarettes and take back control of your life.

We will address and eradicate your old smoking habit from all angles. You will experience an evidence-based profound hypnotic experience specifically designed for you to help you throw out the cigarettes and take back control of your life.

You will be a raving fan of the process. The majority of my stop smoking clients come in by way of referral because of the immediate effects and long-term outcomes you will notice as you’re now free of the cigarettes for life.

I’m here to help you. When do you want to start?

Call me right now at 917-920-6729 or click the button below for a free 20-minute strategy session.

Click above to understand how to schedule your Hypnotic Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.


35 Lace Lane, Westbury NY 11590


Results may vary from person to person. We guarantee the very best service using current information and appropriate hypnotic techniques for your situation. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but rather it is intended to provide information, education, and motivation that will help to you live to your best potential and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself.

Copyright © 2021 David Lawrence| FBN Solutions